Church History
King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church History
King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church was organized in 1926 in the living room of its founder, Pastor Solomon James. Pastor James lived on North Claiborne Avenue in New Orleans, Louisiana. The church was organized with only a few members and Pastor James' immediate family. They stayed together, prayed together and put all their trust in God.
The church held their worship services at the St. Luke Baptist Church on Montegut and Miro Streets, pastored by the late Pastor Coleman. The church also fellowshipped in a garage with a dirt floor on Industry Street.
In 1957, God abundantly blessed the King Solomon Church family by allowing them to purchase property at 2626 Andry Street, where a temporary edifice was erected. Plans were well underway for construction of a new permanent church home, when our beloved and much respected pastor, Pastor Solomon James was called from labor to rest by the Lord on November 3, 1964.
In 1965, the new permanent church was completed and dedicated. The church only had twenty-eight (28) members including children. One month after moving in the church, Hurricane Betsy dealt our congregation, along with many other in the 9th ward, a devastating blow, by destroying all the furniture, the organ and church pews. As a result, new pews, furniture and a new organ were purchased.
The church leaned and depended on the power of God and believed in the motto of its former pastor, who said, "God said it, and that settles it." The church proceeded not only to replace the destroyed items, but also towards paying off the church. This goal was accomplished in nine (9) years and four (4) months. This was possible, only because the church continuously trusted in God. Important also, is the fact that the church raised the money to pay off the church from tithes and offerings, not from money generated through suppers or programs.
Special thanks are given to Deacon Ernest L. James who served as Chairman of the Finance Committee until his health failed. He did a marvelous job managing the church finances.
Sunday, January 9, 1965, Presiding Minister Willie J. Steward was installed as pastor of King Solomon Baptist Church. The church continued to grow and flourish under Pastor Steward's leadership; many Deacons and ministers were ordained during his tenure. Led by the divine wisdom of God, Pastor Steward passed the torch over to Minister George Guidery in 1993. After doing so, Pastor
King Solomon M.B.C. (Continues)
Steward was given the title of Pastor Emeritus by the members. Pastor Steward, we pray that God will continue to shower you with his blessings.
Pastor George Guidery was installed as pastor in June 1993. Under his spirit- filled capable, competent and insightful leadership, the church prospered. We know that God answered our prayers and once again sent us a Good Shepherd.
Through Pastor Guidery's leadership, we continue to lift up the name of Jesus. Souls are being saved, children blessed, marriages performed, and family ties strengthened. We are a working ministry.
In 1996, Pastor Guidery, Pastor Emeritus Steward and the board, led by Bro. Scott Richard (now Rev. Scott Richard) and the membership agreed to step out on faith and began to build a new edifice.
Following the directions of the Almighty God, under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit and Pastor Guidery, we began to build (accepting no money from selling, only tithes and offerings).
Pastor Guidery, Bro. Lacy, Bro. Russell, and the late Bro. Ellis were our daily builders. Brothers Davis, Stirgis, O'Neal, Madison, Brownfield, Daily and Nelson were regular helpers. Other Deacons and members came by after work. To all of them, we give our heart-felt thanks.
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